Searching for a social yet competitive soccer team in Adelaide? Look no further than Adelaide University Soccer Club White.
Better known as the ‘Uni Whites’, AUSC White is a founding member of the South Australia’s Collegiate Soccer League (CSL) which began in 1980. Today they are known across the community as a powerhouse of amateur football in Adelaide.
Join the Uni Whites, a men’s football team that boasts strong camaraderie, teamwork, mad football skills and a sense of humour.
Things to do
Key contacts
Richard Bobby Vidanage
- First Team Collegiate Division 1A | Sean Nunan
- Reserve Team Collegiate Division 1B | Ashley Spartley
Uni Whites’ news bites
New Board appointed to lead AUSC
The following members were appointed to the AUSC leadership group and will have a key role in the club's strategic direction for 2020.
Get your tickets to the 2019 club awards night
Tickets on sale for the men's and women’s 2019 awards dinner.
Progress update from AUSC Board
Brief members circular to update on progress since June's Special General Meeting.
Uni to play matches at ‘the beach’ this weekend
AUSC and AU Sport have moved the July 6-7 home matches to West Beach.
Special General Meeting called for June 20
A Special General Meeting has been called for Thursday 20 June at 8pm.
Join a men’s football team in 2019
Play football in 2019 - Your guide to joining men’s team at Adelaide University
Uni Whites: Moments in history
Hayden “Haydos Chopper Morgenstern” Smith
Hayden "Haydos Chopper Morgenstern" Smith has been the fangs of the Whites midfield for many years. Like a vicious rattlesnake,
D’s v Unley Away
Well as per usual we are not sure where we are playing as we drive up and down Greenhill rd.
D’s vs Immanuel
Round 3 Immanuel v Uni Whites away. It's a crisp autumn day with what feels like a winter sun providing
D’s v Woodside – Round 6
Round 6 and the whites sit 3-2 with a great win against Rostrevor last week to deliver them their first
Uni Whites v Immanuel – Div 4
In the absence of the great man Dave Wilson, I thought I better pen a few words about our game
Cup Round 2: B’s vs Scotch
A beautiful day and confidence high in the Bs following a encouraging 4-0 win the week before. The only concern