Cup Round 1: Cs vs Comets 2B
The first round of the cup came against the Comets 2B side. It was not looking good pre-game, as 13
The first round of the cup came against the Comets 2B side. It was not looking good pre-game, as 13
Evan Mermingis Free Kick Round 1: Cs Vs Mercedes 1 - 5 Loss The boys had their first
What a year. The coulda, the shoulda the woulda. A new dictator stood in front of the latest crop
The Year in Review. What a year. The coulda, the shoulda the woulda. It began in the heat of summer.
Celebrate 2017 in style with a series of club and team events to round out the season. Here's your
Nuff said.
It was a dark and stormy night. Well actually no, it was just cold, but nowhere near as cold as
One week after the C's took on Windsor (and their linesman) and lost, it was the B's turn. It was
In the middle of May on a Tuesday night the Whites E’s got their season under way, 5 weeks after
Scorers John Dongas (4), Adam Pedron (2). Collegiate Division 1A Check out Adam Pedron's free-kick on the