Welcome to the 2015 season and soon to our new website.
This season promises to be an exciting one as a number of developments have come to fruition.
- Our new goals have been delivered and placed on each of the fields. They are the latest in design, easily manoeuvrable and secure.
- All of our teams have been allocated a training and home ground for which they will be totally responsible and supervised by the team Vice President (VP).
The current VPs for each of the teams are:
a. AUSC Grads Red: Paul Sloan
b. AUSC Grads Blue: Travis Campbell
c. AUSC Whites: Graeme Jackson
d. AUSC Blacks: Shaun Kasteljin
e. AUSC Women: Kevin Holohan
f. AUSC Juniors: Kevin Holohan
These people make up part of the Board and join the Chairman (Chris Haralam), President (Bill Hill), Treasurer (Bill Pitsaidiotis) and Secretary (Zarina Greenburg)
- We have secured the first main sponsor for the AUSC. Angove Wines have come on board as the official sponsors of the club; each team are still able to pursue their own sponsors.
- Sponsorship money from Angove Wines has been earmarked for new uniforms for our Main A and B teams. If we can secure this funding for next year, other teams will be outfitted in 2016.
- The new uniforms have been designed according to the guidelines set by Adelaide University Sports to whom our club is responsible and although, Black, White and Grey are the predominant colours, we have been able to retain our individual team colours to an extent.
- The new lights on Park 10 which will improve lighting on Grads, The Neck, Park 10 and Lacrosse are due for installation by the end of daylight saving; this will not only give us better illumination on our existing areas but will cover an even bigger area where we can train off our pitches.
- As a trade-off for losing playing and training time to Lacrosse on Grads oval, we will have a full size pitch at the 7 aside grounds. Teams are allocated as follows:
a. Graduates oval: The AUSC Home ground for allocated Saturday games to our Men’s teams and shared with Lacrosse on a fortnightly basis and home to Premier Women and Reserves
b. 7 aside/Lacrosse: Blacks Div 3 and 4 teams as well as Juniors who will also be accommodated on the Neck.
c. Park 10: Blacks As Bs and Cs. The pitch will be repositioned to take advantage of the new lighting and to avoid the dreaded cricket pitch.
d. The North: Grads Blue will be hosting 2 teams and Women Social Div 5 team.
e. The Metro: will be the responsibility of Grads Red with their 4 teams and will remain the pitch for night games so minimal use is required to accommodate this.
f. The South: remains the home ground for the Whites (4 teams) and Women Div 1 & Div 3.
- A number of functions has already been booked for the new club rooms and even though they are booked by individual teams, the invitation to attend, is open to all of our members. Please see information regarding the first lot of events.
- The Bill Barbari Cup will be held on March 21 and will coincide with the AUSC Season Launch following the finals where we will showcase our new uniforms and have our sponsors in attendance. This function is open to everyone and it is expected that coaches and team managers will also attend to be introduced to the AUSC family. The format and arrangements for this will be left up to the AUSC social committee and communicated to you.
- A new social committee has been formed and they will take care of arranging the 2 major functions for the club. The main event will be the AUSC Awards Presentation in October. The committee consists of:
a. Travis Campbell (VP),
b. Sonya Fragnito,
c. Georgia Oates
d. Annalyse Hogan
It is volunteers like these who keep the club functioning and that is the main focus of the Awards Night, to honour these valued members of our club and present them to each of our teams.
Pre-season training has begun with the women and juniors on Graduates oval and the Neck. The Whites have started casually on Thursdays at Lacrosse. Officially, pre-season for the men will begin in early February but grounds will not be marked out as the groundsman has responsibilities to maintain the cricket pitches on Parks 10 and 12. Having had a number of conversations with the head groundsman and Uni sports, I wish to reiterate, that it is a University policy that absolutely no boots whatsoever are to be worn. This includes the previously allowed coppa mondials. This is a directive by the sports office to all clubs not just soccer. Coaches and team managers are required to monitor this and enforce it. I will continue to negotiate for an earlier lift to the ban on boots, particularly as the seasons seem to be starting earlier. This is always a contentious issue but if you enforce the blanket policy, it will make it easier on all of us.
In saying this, I am pleased with the efforts of most of our club in having maintained our grounds so well last year under the most difficult conditions. With your continued efforts at planning for off-field training during the wet months, this season will be even better.
In closing I wish everyone a successful and enjoyable season and want to express my gratitude to the Board for their efforts behind the scenes throughout the year in order to make this happen for you.
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