Results, scores, goal scorers, match reports
Under 13: Fulham United 5-2 AUSC(1)
Under 13: AUSC(2) 1-2 Para Hills East(2) (Filipa Mikockic)
Third Division: Athelstone 3-0 AUSC
Todays match report is brought to you in dot point style
* Match reporter arrives at ground as teams return to the field for second half ( he was delayed due to coaching commitments)
* Match kicked off
* Play was pre-dominantly down the uni's right wing
* Kevin calls idiotic referee an idiot, referee gets upset, swears, threatens to card Kevin, Athelstone supporters jeer Kevin
* Margaux makes numerous runs down right wing, winning many throw ins, and making one huge switching cross to the back of the opposition's 18 yard box
* Margaux/Felicity/Kate N/Georgie make tackles on left, win throw in, throw in taken, uni gets to opposition box, cross intercept, corner or clearance occurs
* oh penalty in first half to Athelstone before match reporter arrive
* Madeline swings for the ball, misses, striker scores (unlucky maddie)
* striker running through, with defender on shoulder, scores
* rinse and repeat attacking movements of uni
* ref blows final whistle
* Match reporter abused by uni girls for missing first half, a constant theme it would seem from last week
First Division: UNISA 1-2 AUSC (Stephanie Keoghan (2))
This week's match report brought to you by Skye "Scrutters" Scrutton
It was that do-or-die match for the div 1 ladies. It really was. If the ladies didn’t keep their heads up, they might have drowned in the UniSA swamplands. And by swampland I do mean pitch. Now I know extremely little about pitches, but this mistake was made by many as the Ibis-like wildlife, overgrown grass (it was almost taller than Bridget the Midget!) and absence of line-markings just really didn’t scream out ‘Soccer pitch’.
Spectacular efforts were made by all the girls to pull through for a 2-1 victory. Kudos must go to eSteffi for scoring a top first goal. Following UniSA putting scoreboard pressure on to bring the match to 1-1, eSteffi showed us her “pressure? pfft what’s that?” attitude and took a penalty shot putting the Blacks in the lead again.
Highlights of the match includes Rachel’s top defence, where even at one point she showed us all how it’s really done, and made a speedy break an took that damn ball out of defence. Simona did not fear the swamp, and pulled off some extremely enthusiastic tackles despite being a little short of breathe after just 15 minutes of playing. Syl was on fire intercepting passes in the mid, and Kathryn provided great direction for the defence in addition to her usual amazing keeping.
As per usual, Rosie “I can’t breath” Rockliff ran herself into the ground for another great performance. Unexpectedly however, Celina “I can’t breath either” Van Nguyen suffered a similar fate taking some time off soccer to enjoy an asthma attack in the first half.
Lastly, congratulations to Javier for learning how to use a washing machine too.
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