The Division 4 Men both lost away at East Adelaide on Saturday. Here are their stories.

From the desk of our East Asian correspondent, Yi Lu.

阿德莱德的六月总是雨水连绵,虽然白天气温在17度左右,但是一早一晚还是很湿冷的。不过这周天气比较反常,一直艳阳高照,今天也延续了这周的好天气,对于我们div 4 的两个队来说无疑是个完美的比赛天气,取胜似乎成了我们今天唯一期待的主题。

我们今天做客对阵East Adelaide。East Adelaide是一个新建的俱乐部,但是他们吸引了一大批技术,速度和身体都非常优秀的年轻球员。这个赛季他们更是高歌猛进,联赛现居第二。所以今天如果我们能战胜他们,这对我们来说将会是相当宝贵的3分。由于Savs和Lu在上一轮胜利之后,长时间拖住我们中场的核心Sam Dooley在冰冷的大风中聊天,导致Sam Dooley患上了感冒,并且缺席了这个星期的训练和本轮焦点之战,所以我们把我们拼抢积极的边锋 Hussain 调到中路,然后派上了训练中表现优异的Michael Dean Foster Westy。此外我们的锋线全能战士Michael Jones 也回归坐阵左边路。Fortie由于受上周比赛受伤的影响,这场比赛他也没有上场,取代他的是我们的老将Nic Hannay。在右边后卫,阿德莱德版的Gareth Bale—— Rob Farqie代替了为预备队救火的Rajan首发登场。我们的主力门将Jacob Davey也缺阵了这场比赛,取而代之的是我们的万金油 Andrew Nunn。其余位置我们延续了上周主场战胜智利的Northern Pitbull队的人员。

上半场前十分钟,对手利用他们的主场优势,对我们的禁区形成了围攻之势。但是我们的防守还是一如既往的稳固,直到比赛进行到上半场20分钟左右,对方的前锋利用他的身体和速度,连过我们的边后卫和一名中卫,在Andrew Nunn上前封堵的一刹那,强行起脚射门,球打到我们的中后卫Sam的腿上折射越过已经卧倒的Nunny, 1-0对方先拔头筹。对方此后对我们施加的压力丝毫没有因为取得一个进球而减小,我们依然顽强的防守着。中国中场Lu的拼抢非常积极,但在对方的两位中场的夹击下,他失去了重心,倒在了地上,皮球却还是在Lu的怀里。眼看对方的中场即将夺走皮球,Lu在地上像压路机一样连滚了3圈来追赶和保护皮球。功夫不负有心人,我们在为数不多的反击中,由前锋Reece打出了一脚质量相当高的射门,被对方守门员勉强扑出,我们的右边锋Michael Dean Foster 在门前发挥了他的门前嗅觉,轻巧的一脚补射,将比分扳平。 上半场,我们在对手的压力下,靠着为数不多的反击,支撑着我们的进攻,但是双方此后都无法破门,上半场1-1收场。

中场休息,教练William Skinner 对我们的战术进行了细心的部署,我们要坚决不移的防守还要加强队员之间的交流。下半场,比赛仅仅开场仅2分钟,对方的边锋利用他的速度和技术,在禁区角将球带到禁区前沿,躲过了Aaron, Sam和Lu的防守,一脚刁钻的射门打进了球门的右下角。守门员Nunny虽然做出了扑救,也没法阻止对方再度领先,2-1。大家意识到,下半场刚开始是个危险的阶段,我们要小心谨慎,因为对方的攻击线极具威胁,任何机会都可以转化为进球。在过后的20分钟我们的进攻稍有起色,球在对方半场的时间也逐渐增加。Michael Jones,我们的全能战士利用自己的身体和速度的优势,连续强行突破对方的右边后卫,对方无法招架,只能用扯球衣这种低端的办法来阻止Michael的前进,在多次犯规后,裁判终于给对方的右后卫出示了黄牌进行警告。在比赛进行到65分钟左右,我们的从美国归来的明星Scott Clafton 换下了我们的进球功臣Michael Dean Foster。由于我们本场比赛一直依赖着反击,边路的球员跑动非常积极,同时也消耗了巨大的体力,这次换人能够保证我们在反击中继续给对方施加压力和制造威胁。终于,在5分钟后,我们中场给右边的Scott送出了一记精彩的直塞,后者利用速度优势,摆脱了对方边后卫的追赶,迫使对方中卫在Scott冲入禁区之前对其战术犯规,我们在禁区前获得了一个位置极佳的任意球。由于任意球霸主Sam Dooley缺席本场比赛,我们临时决定了用脚力大于宙斯的Aaron Deanshaw来主罚这粒宝贵的任意球。Aaron站在球前,全场寂静无声,似乎都在等待着神的宣判。裁判一身哨响,Aaron助跑,右脚正脚背打出了一记时速590公里每小时的超音速射门。球直挂对方的左上角,一个理论上的死角。宣判结果出来了,2-2。大家欣喜若狂,为这辈子第一次亲眼看到超音速射门而感到庆幸。阿德莱德大学队再次将比分顽强扳平。我们的气势瞬间暴涨。大家又一次看到了胜利的曙光如此接近。虽然我们一直战斗,从未放弃!


此时距离比赛结束只有10分钟了。我们队员似乎已经很疲惫了。不错,这个时候被对方再次领先是致命的。Nic还在大喊,Lu也在不断给球员大气,但是这一切似乎都无法改变比赛的走向和结果。阿德莱德Gareth Bale也抽筋了。但是大家还是没有放弃,我们的前场球员还是努力的奔跑着,努力的想要通过自己的努力再次扳平甚至反超比分。但是对方毕竟在联赛排名第二,对方的防守也没有出现失误。在比赛即将结束前。对方获得了一粒在禁区角上的任意球。对方球员观察到我们的守门员Nunny站位比较靠外,然后将球桥面得吊向了远门柱,4-2。一切都结束了。



<strong>To save you a job, we translated it thanks to Google:</strong>

Adelaide June always rain stretching, although daytime temperatures of 17 degrees or so, but still very early in the morning one night clammy. But this week the weather is unusual, has been sunshine, today continued the good weather this week, we div 4 for the two teams is undoubtedly a perfect match weather, win today we seem to have become the only looking theme.

Our guest today against East Adelaide. East Adelaide is a new club, but they attract a large number of technical, speed and body are very good young players. This season they are more triumph, the league is now ranked second. So today, if we can beat them, for us it will be quite a valuable three points. As Savs and Lu after the victory in the last round, long holding our midfield core Sam Dooley chat in icy winds, causing Sam Dooley got sick and missed training this week and focus of the battle round So we put our aggressive scraping transferred winger Hussain Road, and then came back to training outstanding performance Michael Dean Foster Westy. In addition, our strikers rounder Michael Jones’s return sits left touchline. Fortie injured due to the impact of last week’s game, he did not play the game, replacing him is our veteran Nic Hannay. At right guard, Adelaide version of Gareth Bale – Rob Farqie instead of fighting for the reserve team of Rajan starting debut. Our goalkeeper Jacob Davey also missed the game, instead we Tiger Balm Andrew Nunn. Last week, we continued the remaining positions home win over Chile’s Northern Pitbull crews.

Ten minutes before the first half, the opponent to use their home advantage to our restricted area formed the siege. But our defense was solid as always, until 20 minutes into the game the first half or so, the other striker using his body and speed, even over our backs and a defender in front blocking the moment Andrew Nunn , forced kicker shot, the ball into our linebacker Sam’s legs crossed refraction has to lie down Nunny, 1-0 each head start. Since each of our pressure exerted did not get a goal because of decreases, we still tenacious defensive forward. Chinese midfielder Lu scraping very positive, but in the other two midfield attack, he lost focus, fell to the ground, the ball was still in Lu’s arms. Seeing the other side of the midfield soon took the ball, Lu on the ground like a roller as even rolled three laps to catch and protect the ball. Hard work pays off, we are one of the few counter-attack by the striker Reece played very high quality foot shot barely saved by goalkeeper, our right winger Michael Dean Foster played in front of his door smell, lightweight kick blank range in the match. The first half, we are under pressure from opponents, fight back against one of the few, supporting our offense, but after the two sides are unable to break, ending the first half 1-1.

Intermission, coach William Skinner on our tactics were careful deployment, we must resolutely unwavering defense but also to strengthen exchanges between the players. Second half, the game just opening only two minutes, the other winger using his speed and skill, the ball in the penalty area to the closed front corner, escaped Aaron, Sam and Lu defense, kick tricky shot scored a goal lower right corner. Although goalkeeper Nunny made fighting, we are unable to stop the opposition ahead again, 2-1. We realized that the beginning of the second half was a dangerous stage, we have to be careful, because the other side of the offensive line perilous, any chance can be converted into goals. In the 20 minutes after our offense picked up slightly, the ball is in the other half of the time is gradually increasing. Michael Jones, our all-around fighter to use his body and speed advantages, continuous forced break each other’s right guard, the other party can not parry, only with such a low-end pull jersey Michael way to stop the advance, after a foul in many The referee finally right back to each other to produce a yellow card for a warning. In the race to 65 minutes or so, we returned from the United States star Scott Clafton replaced our goal hero Michael Dean Foster. Since we have been dependent on the game back, wing player running very positive, but also consumes a tremendous physical strength, the substitutions in the back to ensure that we continue to put pressure on each other and create a threat. Finally, after five minutes, we give the right midfielder Scott sent a note wonderful Zhise, the latter using the speed advantage, to get rid of the other backs to catch up, forcing the other halfback Scott tactical foul into the restricted area before it We got in the box before a free kick from an excellent position. As overlord Sam Dooley kick miss the game, we decided to temporarily force is greater than the feet of Zeus Aaron Deanshaw to kick this grain valuable kick. Aaron stood before the ball, the audience silent, seemed to be waiting for God’s sentencing. Referee a whistle, Aaron run-up, right foot instep hit a record speed of 590 km / h supersonic shot. Ball tag each other’s upper left corner, a theoretical corner. Sentencing results came out, 2-2. Everyone was ecstatic for the first time in this life saw supersonic shot and thankful. Adelaide University team equalized the score again tenacious. Our momentum instantly skyrocketed. Once again we see the dawn of victory so close. Although we have been fighting, never give up!

Sometimes, fate always like to joke with us, we are tenacious defense, our two in Hou Weijia our backs to each other winger pushed to the bottom line, but as we think this will certainly have to qualify the ball when the ball like a curious coincidence be deducted from the other side and then pass in the restricted area outflanking place to find players, who the players after the ball, cool Shishe, we dressed the score 2-2 five minutes later, the other lead again. These goals in our players seem to have nothing to say, God in tease us?

At this time only 10 minutes from the end of the game. Our players seem to have been very tired. Yes, this time by the other party to lead again be fatal. Nic was still shouting, Lu also constantly giving players the atmosphere, but it all seemed unable to change the game’s direction and outcome. Adelaide’s Gareth Bale also cramp. But we still did not give up, our frontcourt is hard running and effort you want to tie again through their own efforts and even go-ahead score. But the other side, after all, ranked second in the league, the defense did not appear turnovers. Before the end of the game. Each won a corner in the restricted free kick. Other players observe our goalkeeper Nunny stations by comparison, but then the ball was hanging bridge to the far post, 4-2. It was all over.

Final whistle, we lost the crucial battle. Players are very hard, but the other in control of the game, most of the time doing better than us, but it does not matter, we will continue to fight the next game!